Summer(:907) 246-3437

Trophy Hunting in Alaskan wilderness
The Alaska Peninsula has outstanding genetics for some of the largest moose and brown bear in the world and also provides ample opportunity for exceptional waterfowl hunting. Each hunting season Branch River Air accepts reservations for a maximum of 8 groups of hunters to our areas that have proven most productive for our hunters. We are not a guide our outfitting service so you will be wholly responsible for the safety, legality, and success of your hunt. We do not sell hunt packages; only transportation to and from the field which may make hunting with us a far more affordable option. Hunt prices will vary based on the size of the group, distance from King Salmon, and number of extra flights for moving camp or picking up downed animals. As such, quoted prices will only be estimates.
We currently DO NOT sell caribou hunts to to low population numbers and restrictive hunting regulations. There have however been strong signs of herd recovery and may again in the future.